Supercompilation of the interpreter of Lambda-numeration

Functions of logic of the expressions


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The software package accessible to addresses is used

Lambda calculus interpreter  ( ) - head page,

Download the source code ( ) - software package.

The software package is aplet, therefore head program was reworked.

Here we consider supercompilation  of the lagic formulas written in Lambdas - nomenclatures. Actually, the compiler of the logical Lambdas - formulas in Java-programs is obtained.

We compile a method test () in the program

The specialization happens till two variables:

The following logic operations are used: implication, negation, conjunction and disjunction. Their description

    let true  = \x. \y. x
    let false = \x. \y. y
    let impl = \x. \y. x y true
    let not  = \x. x false true
    let or   = \x. \y. impl (not x) y
    let and  = \x. \y. not (or (not x) (not y))

We have used that property, that conjunction and disjunction express through implication and negation. 

Lambda is meant by the character "\", in text constants she is doubled.

The residual program calculates value of the formula for any set of values of arguments.

Let's pass with the description 14 examples.

All examples are made out on one template:

The residual program, откопированная from an output file of the supercompiler together with the lines - comments, on first of which is indicated time of supercompilation up to постпроцессинга, and on last - complete time. "


Example 1.      x & (y | z)

strStart = "\\x. \\y. \\z. and x (or y z)";
int nVar = 3;
//--------------------------------------  25 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[0]
	  && (param_18[1] || param_18[2])) {
	    return true;}
	  else {
	    return false;}
//--------------------------------------  27 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 2.      x | (y & z)

strStart = "\\x. \\y. \\z. or x (and y z)";
nVar = 3;
//--------------------------------------  24 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[0]
	  ||  param_18[1] && param_18[2]) {
	    return true;}
	  else {
	    return false;}
//--------------------------------------  26 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 3.      Implication

strStart = "\\x. \\y. impl x y";
nVar = 2;
//--------------------------------------   8 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[0]
	  && !param_18[1]) {
	    return false;}
	  else {
	    return true;}
//--------------------------------------   9 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 4.      Identically true function 

strStart = "\\x. \\y. impl x (impl y x)";
nVar = 2;
//--------------------------------------  10 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  return true;
//--------------------------------------  10 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 5.      Implication (3 variable)

strStart = "\\x. \\y. \\z. impl x y";
nVar = 3;
//--------------------------------------  17 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[0]
	  && !param_18[1]) {
	    return false;}
	  else {
	    return true;}
//--------------------------------------  18 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 6.      Identically true function

strStart = "\\x. \\y. \\z. impl x (impl y x)";
nVar = 3;
//--------------------------------------  20 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  return true;
//--------------------------------------  21 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 7.      Other identically true function

\\x. \\y. \\z. impl (impl x (impl y z)) (impl (impl x y) (impl x z))
nVar = 3;
//--------------------------------------  39 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  return true;
//--------------------------------------  41 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 8.      Implication (4 variable)

strStart = "\\x. \\y. \\z. \\u. impl x y";
nVar = 4;
//--------------------------------------  37 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[0]
	  && !param_18[1]) {
	    return false;}
	  else {
	    return true;}
//--------------------------------------  39 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 9.      True only in two cases

\\x. \\y. \\z. or (and x (and y z)) (and (not x) (and (not y) (not z)))
nVar = 3;
//--------------------------------------  59 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[0]) {
	    if (param_18[1]
	    &&  param_18[2]) {
	      return true;}
	    else {
	      return false;}}
	  else {
	    if (param_18[1]
	    ||  param_18[2]) {
	      return false;}
	    else {
	      return true;}}
//--------------------------------------  65 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 10.      (x & y) | (z & u)

strStart = "\\x. \\y. \\z. \\u. or (and x y ) (and z u)";
nVar = 4;
//--------------------------------------  75 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[0]) {
	    if (param_18[1]
	    ||  param_18[2] && param_18[3]) {
	      return true;}
	    else {
	      return false;}}
	  else {
	    if (param_18[2]
	    &&  param_18[3]) {
	      return true;}
	    else {
	      return false;}}
//--------------------------------------  82 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 11.      (x | not x) & (y | not y) & z = true & true & z = z

strStart = "\\x. \\y. \\z. and (and (or x (not x)) (or y (not y))) z";
nVar = 3;
//--------------------------------------  50 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[2]) {
	    return true;}
	  else {
	    return false;}
//--------------------------------------  55 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 12.      Max True - (x & y) | (y & z) | (x & z)

strStart = "\\x. \\y. \\z. or (and x y)  (or (and y z) (and x z))";
int nVar = 3;
//--------------------------------------  47 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[0]) {
	    if (param_18[1]
	    ||  param_18[2]) {
	      return true;}
	    else {
	      return false;}}
	  else {
	    if (param_18[1]
	    &&  param_18[2]) {
	      return true;}
	    else {
	      return false;}}
//--------------------------------------  52 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 13.      Mostik

\\x. \\y. \\z. \\u. \\v. 
    or (or (and x y) (and z u)) (or (and x (and v u)) (and z (and v y)))
nVar = 5;
//-------------------------------------- 340 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[0]) {
	    if (param_18[1]) {
	      return true;}
	    else {
	      if (param_18[2]) {
	        if (param_18[3]) {
	          return true;}
	        else {
	          return false;}}
	      else {
	        if (param_18[3]
	        &&  param_18[4]) {
	          return true;}
	        else {
	          return false;}}}}
	  else {
	    if (param_18[1]) {
	      if (param_18[2]
	      && (param_18[3] || param_18[4])) {
	        return true;}
	      else {
	        return false;}}
	    else {
	      if (param_18[2]
	      &&  param_18[3]) {
	        return true;}
	      else {
	        return false;}}}
//-------------------------------------- 379 sec - JScp version 0.0.72 

Example 14.      Equality

strStart = "\\x. \\y. and (impl x y) (impl y x)";
nVar = 2;
//--------------------------------------  14 sec - postprocessing...
	public static boolean test (final boolean[] param_18)
	  if (param_18[0]) {
	    if (param_18[1]) {
	      return true;}
	    else {
	      return false;}}
	  else {
	    if (param_18[1]) {
	      return false;}
	    else {
	      return true;}}
//--------------------------------------  16 sec - JScp version 0.0.72